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Recent page visits
- Welcome World-Wide Treasure Hunters!
- California - Rockhounding and Mineral Specimen Collecting Videos & Informative Website's URL Links - Page 1
- Revo Uninstaller product descriptions
- Capital City, Colorado, Ghost Town Videos
- Editor's Comments - Goldfield, Arizona probable area of Lost Dutchman Gold Mine?, Page 1 of 1
Recent Revisions
Kokoweef Peak Underground River of Gold & Exploratory Mines, California webpages
Kokoweef Peak, Underground River of Gold & Exploratory Mines, California Videos, Informative Website’s & Forum’s Quick Access URL Links Directory
8-24-2022 repaired this URL link; added minor revisions and new text to the Quick Editor Comments; Quick Editor’s Comments are in the upper webpage’s text area; was 6-9-2021
Kokoweef Peak Underground River of Gold & Exploratory Mines, California Videos, Page 1 of 1
8-24-2022 repaired this URL link; was 7-2-2021
Kokoweef Peak, Underground River of Gold & Exploratory Mines, California Informative Website’s & Forum’s URL Links, Page 1 of 1
8-24-2022 repaired this URL link; was 7-11-2021
Lost Dutchman Gold Mine, Arizona webpages
Lost Dutchman Gold Mine, The Peralta Stones Maps, Goldfield, Superstition Wilderness, & Dr. Thorne, Arizona Comprehensive Directory
8-18-2022 & 8-17-2022 repaired 6-URL links & more will be repaired; was 11-23-2021
Lost Dutchman Gold Mine Videos, Page 1 of 3
8-18-2022 repaired this link; was 6-28-2021
Lost Dutchman Gold Mine Videos, Page 2 of 3
8-18-2022 repaired this link; was 6-23-2021
Lost Dutchman Gold Mine Videos, Page 3 of 3
8-18-2022 repaired this link; was 6-23-2021
Lost Dutchman Gold Mine Informative Website’s URL Links, Page 1 of 2
8-18-2022 repaired this link; was 6-24-2021
Lost Dutchman Gold Mine Informative Website’s URL Links, Page 2 of 2
8-18-2022 repaired this link; was 6-25-2021
Editor’s Comments – Jacob Waltz, Lost Dutchman, Phoenix, Arizona, Page 1 of 1
8-18-2022 repaired this link; was 11-29-2021
Facebook Group for: Editor’s Comments – Jacob Waltz, Lost Dutchman, Phoenix, Arizona
Goldfield, Arizona probable area of Lost Dutchman Gold Mine? webpages
Repaired URL links on 4-wepages below: 8-23-2022
Goldfield, Arizona probable area of “Lost Dutchman Gold Mine?”
8-23-2022 repaired this link; was 8-17-2021
Goldfield, Arizona Ghost Town Informative Website’s URL Links
8-23-2022 repaired this link; was 3-25-2022
Editor’s Comments – Goldfield, Arizona probable area of Lost Dutchman Gold Mine?, Page 1 of 1
8-23-2022 repaired this link; was 11-29-2022
Facebook Group for: Editor’s Comments – Goldfield, Arizona probable area of Lost Dutchman Gold
Slumach’s Gold, British Columbia, Canada webpages
8-16-2002 repaired URL links on 7-wepages below:
Slumach’s Gold, British Columbia, Canada Videos, Informative Website’s & Forum’s and Editor’s Comments’ Quick Access URL Links Directory
8-16-2022; repaired the 5-URL links to the webpages; was 6-6-2021
Slumach’s Gold, British Columbia, Canada Videos, Page 1 of 3
8-16-2022 repaired the URL link; was 5-29-2021
Slumach’s Gold, British Columbia, Canada” Videos, Page 2 of 3
8-16-2022 repaired URL link; was 5-29-2021
Slumach’s Gold, British Columbia, Canada Videos, Page 3 of 3
8-16-2022 repaired URL link; was 5-27-2021
Slumach’s Gold, British Columbia, Canada Informative Website’s & Forum’s URL Links, Page 1 of 1
8-16-2022; repaired the URL link; was 8-1-2021
Editor’s Comments – Slumach’s Gold, British Columbia, Canada, Page 1 of 1
8-16-2022 repaired the URL link; was 7-29-2021 Continuing final reviews
Facebook Group for: Editor’s Comments – Slumach’s Gold, British Columbia, Canada, Page 1 of 1
Installed Theme Hunk “Top Store” WordPress theme
What’s new on Treasure-Hunting-Information.com? Page 1 of 3
https:// is enabled on my 5-websites
Some webpages require additional loading time to view YouTube.com videos. YouTube.com changed the embed HTML codes so many videos posted before 2018 or so, may not be viewable until replacements to the video’s embed codes are used with the latest YouTube.com video embed versions.
An improvement to this website, now is hosted on a VPS 4-CPU & 16GB ram hosting plan. Added another 8GB ram to the existing 8GB ram. (I will not reveal my hosting service that I use).
Website Software I Presently Use
Browser Problems? Microsoft Windows 10 and 7 OS Tips-Part I, II and III
Getting Internet Traffic to my website
Treasure DVD, VHS Videos for sale and YouTube.com Video’s Links, World-Wide, A thru C
Is being updated, the last major revisions prior to these current revisions was in 2015.
Also the Amazon image advertisements are being phased out by Amazon.com. Adding new Amazon.com advertisement links, additional new websites’ links, updating the webpage with new links, removing old links and found new information, etc. Also adding links to YouTube.com Treasure channels with many free to view videos.
Meteorite Hunting, Collecting Video Index
7-13-2022; 1-7-2022
Hunting for Meteorites and Collecting Meteorites Videos, Page 1 of 2
7-13-2022; 1-5-2022
Hunting for Meteorites and Collecting Meteorites Videos, Page 2 of 2
7-13-2023; 1-5-2022
Identifying Meteorites Videos
7-13-2023; 1-7-2022
Getting Started with Treasure Hunting Activities
Join a Treasure, Treasure Hunting & Rocks, Gems and Minerals & Authentic Artifacts Message Boards and/or Forums
Added 2-LDM Forum links
Join “Gold Prospectors Association of America – GPAA”
Join a “Treasure Hunting Club and/or Metal Detecting Club” in your region
Join a Artifacts Forum
Join a Rock, Gem & Mineral Collecting Club
The Peralta Stones Maps, Arizona webpages
* * *
Lost Dutchman Gold Mine; The Peralta Stones Maps; Goldfield; Superstition Wilderness; & Dr. Thorne, Arizona Comprehensive Directory
8-18-2022; was 8-17-2022; was 11-23-2021; was 8-4-2021
This Directory has The Peralta Stones Maps, Arizona webpages with URL Links
The Peralta Stones Maps Videos, Page 1 of 2
The Peralta Stones Maps Videos, Page 2 of 2
The Peralta Stones Maps Informative Website’s URL Links, Page 1 of 2
Peg Leg’s Lost Gold Mine, California webpages
Peg Leg’s Lost Gold Mine, California Videos, Informative Website’s & Forum’s Quick Access URL Links Directory
Quick Editor’s Comments are in the upper webpage’s text area
Peg Leg’s Lost Gold Mine, California Videos, Page 1 of 1
Peg Leg’s Lost Gold Mine, California Informative Website’s & Forum’s URL Links, Page 1 of 1
Treasure Hunting Book Sources
Treasure Magazine Sources
Treasure Magazines for Sale
Treasure, Treasure Hunting & Rocks, Gems and Minerals & Authentic Artifacts Message Boards and/or Forums
Scribd.com, etc. Treasure Hunting Articles, Newsletters & More
Old Mines – Historical & Operating – USA Videos index
Alaska Mines (Historical and Operating) Videos sub-index
McCarthy-Kennecott Copper Mines, National Park Service, Alaska Videos, Page 1 of 3
McCarthy-Kennecott Copper Mines, National Park Service, Alaska Videos, Page 2 of 3
McCarthy-Kennecott Copper Mines, National Park Service, Alaska Videos, Page 3 of 3
Arizona Mines (Historical and Operating) Videos
California Mines (Historical and Operating) Videos
Colorado Mines (Historical and Operating) Videos
Big Gold Nuggets Found! Videos & Informative URL Links Index
Recommended Websites
- Dave McCracken – The New 49’ers website
- Workman’s Books website
- Floyd Mann – Facebook webpage
- Franks Pandozzi’s Legend of America website
- James Fariello’s Facebook – Treasure Hunting Library webpage
- Roy Roush’s The Knights of the Golden Circle website
- Utah Treasure Hunting Legends, Ghost Stories and Pictures video
- Menu Item
Lost Dutchman Mine Maps
- Lost Dutchman Mine Maps
- Lost Dutchman Gold Mine Maps # 1 through # 10
- Lost Dutchman Gold Mine Maps # 11 through # 20
- Lost Dutchman Gold Mine Maps # 21 through # 30
- Lost Dutchman Gold Mine Maps # 31 through # 40
- Lost Dutchman Gold Mine Maps # 41 through # 50
- Lost Dutchman Gold Mine Maps # 51 through # 62
- Treasure Map Sources & Informative URL Links
More Ros Company Blogs

* 1.
Welcome World-Wide Treasure Hunters,
Treasure hunting is a fun pastime for the complete family.
All can share in the efforts to go treasure hunting and rewards of discovery, travels, etc.
Quality research is recommended for best results by all the professionals in the Industry.
Researching/planning an excursion of a treasure story lead is considered of foremost importance and a vital part of “REAL” treasure hunting.
The purpose of this website is to give the casual Treasure Hunting Information.com visitors information in the form of posts, pages, indexes and links to off-sites, to enable you to meet a desired success! A desired success can be in the rewards of discovery, value or just plain fun in the outdoors, etc.
Proper quality research is really the key to succeeding in Treasure Hunting or any venture and/or activity.
Spend the time having fun researching, reading, examine maps, etc., is just as fun as the Treasure Hunting field trips and vacations.
So, I finally conclude that my journeys through life are really a treasure hunt to me.
Yes, Treasure Hunting is really my full-time activity or occupation and I try to enjoy every second of it all: living.
Whether it’s just going to the market to look for the best values and sale items or working for the goal and reward of financial business successes, IT’S ALL Treasure Hunting to me! YAHOO!
And some men and women search for human companion(s) of their dreams like a treasure hunt too.
Sure, there are ups and downs, but keeping your thoughts pointed to go through life living free with all your liberties is the best way to live.
Enjoy and happy treasure hunting,
Best Wishes,
David E Ros, Editor, Treasure Hunter and Webmaster
May 22, 2009 was the first publication of “Blog Section – 1”.
Revised: March 15, 2011 was “Blog Section – 1”.
September 28, 2010, 2:54 PM PST was the first publication of what was titled “Blog Section – 2”.
Revised: 11-6-2011: Combined “Blog Section – 1” and “Blog Section – 2” into one “Blog Section titled “Blog Section – 1”.
* 2.
Greetings everybody!
Many thanks to all the pleasant and favorable comments that are being left on this site! (Treasure-Hunting-Information.com).
It really amazes me how many comments are left every day.
Keep the favorable comments posting, LOL, keeps me busy reviewing and approving the comments.
I now estimate about 25 new comments are submitted every day, Wow!
I continually updated the various webpages and I have added a new webpage title “What’s new at T-H-I.com?”, (Treasure-Hunting-Information.com) as a sub-directory under the “David, Webmaster and this website” webpage directory.
“What’s new at T-H-I.com?” keeps a running list of the latest improvements on Treasure-Hunting-Information.com since March 2, 2011, with the latest improvement listed at the top of the webpage. Note: Unfortunately, I don’t always quickly update “What’s new at T-H-I.com?” yet I try to get this done.
Keep the favorable comments posting, I get a favorable reaction to your kind remarks, many thanks!
And remember “Treasure is where you find the valued Treasure” and “Treasure is the value in eyes of the beholder!”
Best Wishes,
David E Ros, Editor, Treasure Hunter and Webmaster
P.S. I removed over 6,000 pleasant comments to speed website loading times and ease republishing after maintenance down times. However, I still have those comment files in digital form elsewhere.
March 15, 2011 was the first publication of what was titled “Blog Section – 3” .
April 15, 2011 was the first publication of what was titled “Blog Section – 4”.
May 8, 2011 was the first publication of what was titled “Blog Section – 5”.
Revised: 11-6-2011: Combined “Blog Section – 3”; “Blog Section – 4”; and “Blog Section – 5” into one “Blog Section titled “Blog Section – 2”.
Revised: 12-13-2012: Added note of the removal of over 6,000 comments to ease website loading, etc.
David E Ros, Editor, Treasure Hunter and Webmaster
P.S. I’ve added six YouTube.com videos including “Big Gold Nuggets and/or Gold Found” videos to this post’s webpage, just scroll down to view.
* 3.
Greetings everybody, hope you’re having a happy summertime!
Well, everybody probably heard the adage “Time is Money”, yet may have been perplexed by this quote?
Free time with legal liberties such as we have in the United States of America is very valuable.
The more time we have available to ourselves, the more we can carry out to find and own our personal treasures and goals.
I have personally witnessed this phenomenon to myself as I’ve had more free time to myself in the last ten years and I have accumulated many more personal belongings, achieved many more personal goals most of which I have long desired, etc. Much more than when I worked 8 to 10 hours/5 to 6 days a week. This all despite I have earned more money in those long workdays and weeks than my present wages. Yet, I hope I will earn more in the future with my expanded time.
However, don’t misquote me, as steady earnings are usually always required either way with much free time or with long workdays and weeks.
Bank it, “time is money!”
The longer you live a legal contiguous life while always refreshing your skills so to the least that we never forget what we can do and have learned in the past while, continuously expanding your horizons with more knowledge to meet your desires.
The more knowledge you have, the potentially better off you are, but “time” is the important building block to this all.
If having a lot of time and money “Greedy,” bad? NO! As long as you legally get your time and money, it’s all good and not greedy at all!
Greedy would be taking and/or stealing somebody else’s time, money, personal thoughts and/or possessions.
So, bank on it, TIME is the most valuable resource along with legal liberties for us to use.
So, don’t lose your legal status to use time and legal liberties to aid your life’s journeys, adventures, etc.
All the foregoing is the author’s legal opinion and not meant to stir you a wild direction.
The many rights that we have as a free people in the United States of America while maintaining our legal status include “freedom to exercise religion.”
Religion is not just a church doctrine that you follow but much more, it’s your personal philosophies, thoughts, desires, etc.
So be a leader of yourself and not a follower, build your personal philosophies that work for you to get what you want of your lifetime, all of which can build into your personal religion i.e., personal philosophies that you are free to exercise in your life when not otherwise ordered to uphold other standards such as when actively employed by somebody else and/or as we are ordered to obey many laws to stay free and legal in the U.S.A.
Happy days ahead to us all with much free time to ourselves,
Best Wishes,
David E Ros, Editor, Treasure Hunter and Webmaster
June 2, 2011 was the first publication of what was titled “Blog Section – 6”.
Revised: 11-6-2011, renamed what was titled “Blog Section – 6”: “Blog Section – 3”.
* 4
Greetings Treasure-Hunting-Information.com fans, etc.,
Finally reposted all Lost Dutchman Mine Maps # 1 through # 62 that I have available. These Lost Dutchman Mine Maps have been cropped and resized to largest image size that is online at this time. Please note: The Lost Dutchman Mine is a popular famous treasure but digging/mining in now restricted in this federally designated Superstition Wilderness Area. Please do carefully research into the weather’s conditions and local laws/rules before venturing into Superstition Wilderness Area or related adjacent parks, reservations and private properties.
Best Wishes,
David E Ros, Editor, Treasure Hunter and Webmaster
August 29, 2011 was the first publication of what was titled “Blog Section – 10”.
October 27, 2011 was the first publication of what was titled “Blog Section – 11”.
Revised: 11-6-2011: Combined “Blog Section – 10”; and “Blog Section – 11”; into one “Blog Section titled “Blog Section – 3”.
* 5
Greetings Treasure-Hunting-Information.com fans, etc.,
The most popular webpages on Treasure-Hunting-Information.com website are:
1. The “Lost Dutchman Mine Maps”
I have an index webpage for quick access URL links to the 6-Lost Dutchman Mine Maps webpages each with an average of 10-Lost Dutchman Mine Maps however one webpage has 12-Lost Dutchman Mine Maps on it.
Here is the link to the “Lost Dutchman Mine Maps” index webpage:
Slide Show 1. Lost Dutchman Mine Maps index also has a worthwhile slide show of all Lost Dutchman Mine Maps that has the best clarity and has an open full screen option with pause slide show option
2. Here are the links to the “Ask Jeff Williams”, a must see Desert Gold Prospecting Video Series with 3-separate webpages:
“Ask Jeff Williams”, a must see Desert Gold Prospecting Video Series – Page 1 of 3
“Ask Jeff Williams”, a must see Desert Gold Prospecting Video Series – Page 2 of 3
“Ask Jeff Williams”, a must see Desert Gold Prospecting Video Series – Page 3 of 3
Best Wishes,
David E Ros, Editor, Treasure Hunter and Webmaster
Published on: January 20, 2015
Revised: 2-22-2015; 4-11-2015; 11-8-2015; 7-18-2018; 12-9-2020; 12-10-2020; 7-16-2023
7-16-2023; Replaced YouTube.com #4 video with new YouTube.com video, added a new YouTube.com video #5 and renumbered the previous YouTube.com videos #4 & #5 to: #6 and #7
1. “Eureka! Check Out This Huge Gold Nugget!” video published on YouTube.com with “KCRA News”
2. “Nevada Gold Nugget Prospecting – Huge Gold Nugget” video published on YouTube.com with “weightman7”
3. “World’s Biggest Golden Nugget – The Hand of Faith – World Record Largest Gold Nugget on Earth” a large gold nugget from California, USA video published on YouTube.com with “titaniumlabel”
4. “Gold Hunting! Digging up for Treasure worth millions dollar from Huge Nuggets of Gold in River” video published on YouTube.com with “Dr. Gold”
Note: This YouTube.com video with Dr. Gold depicts actual gold replenished sites that I have visited
5. “Treasure Hunting! Found & Digging up for Treasure worth millions dollar of Gold Treasure, so lucky” video published on YouTube.com with “Dr. Gold”
Note: This YouTube.com video with Dr. Gold depicts actual gold replenished sites that I have visited
6. “Large Silver CACHE of Coins found LIVE !!!” video published on YouTube.com with “Jim Wall”
7. “How To Find Gold #2 – How to Pan For Gold” video published on YouTube.com with “HowToDrillAWell”
Click the following image links to see advertiser’s deals!
Webpage’s original version Published on: May 22, 2009 @ 01:02 pm PST
Revised: 11-11-2012; 1-15-2013; 10-9-2013; 4-23-2014; 5-8-2014; 8-30-2014; 10-23-2014; 10-27-2014; 3-6-2015; 3-12-2015; 6-18-2015; 7-6-2015; 11-8-2015; 4-15-2016; 11-28-2016; 1-30-2019
This webpage’s latest revision: 1-30-2019; 2-12-2019; 5-31-2019; 6-22-2019; 10-29-2019; 1-5-2020; 4-17-2020; 4-21-2020; 5-3-2020; 5-19-2020; 8-15-2020; 11-5-2020; 11-7-2020; 11-9-2020; 12-9-2020; 12-10-2020; 7-16-2023
Revised: 7-16-2023; Replaced YouTube.com #4 video with new YouTube.com video, added a new YouTube.com video #5 and renumbered the previous YouTube.com videos #4 & #5 to: #6 and #7
Written by David E Ros
User Registration
XT Page Views & Visitor Counter

Page Views Highlights
The date with the highest number of visitor page views was on: July 25, 2018.
Total Visitor Page Views: 3384+
The date with the next highest number of visitor page views was on: 3-13-2022.
Total Visitor Page Views: 2211+
Users: 185+
Total views : 1298385+
The date with the next highest number of visitor page views was on: 1-12-2022.
Total Visitor Page Views: 2706+
Users: 196
The date with the next highest number of visitor page views was on: November 10, 2018.
Total Visitor Page Views: 2413+
The date with the next highest number of visitor page views was on: July 30, 2021.
Total Visitor Page Views: 2208+
Users: 340
Total views to this date: 970726
Quick Selection Index
- Home Post
- David, Webmaster and this Website!
- What’s new on Treasure-Hunting-Information.com? Page 1 of 3
- What’s new on Treasure-Hunting-Information.com? Page 2 of 3
- What’s new on Treasure-Hunting-Information.com? Page 3 of 3
- Getting Internet Traffic to my website
- Website Software I Presently Use
- Solving WordPress Hacking Issues
- Browser Problems? Microsoft Windows 10 and 7 OS Tips-Part I, II and III
- I’m not available for Freelance Projects and/or Consultations
- Images of Treasure-Hunting-Information.com
- Original California Poetry & Stories by David E Ros
- Questions about YouTube.com’s videos answered
- Getting Started with Treasure Hunting Activities
- Big Gold Nuggets Found! Videos & Informative URL Links Index
- Treasure Hunting & Prospecting Videos index
- History of Gold & Gold Mining Informative URL Links
- Metal Detecting Videos
- Placer Gold Panning, Sluicing, Dredging, Crevicing, Sniping, etc. Videos
- Desert Gold Drywashing, Trommel Mining, etc. Videos
- Ghost Towns, etc. – United States of America Videos
- Ghost Towns, etc. – Worldwide Videos
- Old Mines – Historical & Operating – USA Videos
- Ghost Towns & Mines – USA & World-Wide Informative URL Links
- Hiking to Gold Mines, USA Videos
- Famous Lost Gold Mines Treasures Videos & Information
- Treasure Stories published on the Internet
- Lost Gold Mines & Lost Treasures Informative URL Links
- Gold Rush Videos & Informative URL Links
- Sunken Ships Underwater Treasures Videos
- GPAA – Gold Prospectors Association of America Videos
- Rockhounding, Gemstone & Mineral Specimen Collecting Videos
- Artifact & Relic Hunting Videos
- Meteorite Hunting, Collecting Videos Index
- Garage, Estate Sales, Flea Markets, Thrift Stores, Rummaging, etc. (Buying and Selling) Videos
- Dangerous Wild Animals, Reptiles, Insects, and Humanoids, (Humans)! Videos
- Treasure Hunting Book Sources
- Treasure Books List and Index
- Book Reviews
- Treasure Magazine Sources
- Treasure Magazines for Sale
- Join a Treasure, Treasure Hunting & Rocks, Gems and Minerals & Authentic Artifacts Message Boards and/or Forums
- Treasure Map Sources & Informative URL Links
- Lost Dutchman Mine Maps
- Lost Dutchman Gold Mine Maps # 1 through # 10
- Lost Dutchman Gold Mine Maps # 11 through # 20
- Lost Dutchman Gold Mine Maps # 21 through # 30
- Lost Dutchman Gold Mine Maps # 31 through # 40
- Lost Dutchman Gold Mine Maps # 41 through # 50
- Lost Dutchman Gold Mine Maps # 51 through # 62
- Scribd.com, etc. Treasure Hunting Articles, Newsletters & More
- All 14-“Collector’s Treasure Magazines Indexes–x9-20-2023-1x is being reviewed
- “California Mining Journal August, 1931 V. 1 # 1” .pdf Download from ICMJ magazine
- “Mojave Desert, California” Treasure Hunting, Historical Accounts, etc. Downloads
- “Sierra Nevada, California” Treasure Hunting, Historical Accounts, etc. Downloads’
- “Treasure Hunters Newsletter” Downloads
- Treasure DVD, VHS Movie & Video Sources
- Treasure DVD, VHS Videos for Sale & YouTube.com Video’s Links, USA & World-Wide, A thru C
- Popular Old Western Culture Music Videos
- Popular Culture Music Videos – page 1
- Interesting TV Introduction Videos
- Interesting TV Musical Commercial Videos
- “The Fox with Ylvis” – “What does the Fox Say?” Music Videos
- Amazon Associates Program & Affiliate Ads
- Revo Uninstaller product descriptions
- WinRAR product descriptions
- Ros Company Store # 1 “https://roscompany.com”
- Index to Treasure Stories in U.S.A. Magazines of T-H-I.com
- Pleasure-House-for-adults.com and Ros Company “Just another Music Lover’s website”
- Photographic Images by David
- Computer-Tech-Information.com
- Contact David
- All 14-“Collector’s Treasure Magazines Indexes–x9-20-2023-1x is being reviewed