Greetings World-Wide Visitors

Looking to gather Big Caches for Fun, Adventures and Profits

What’s new on Page 3 of 3


What’s new on Page 3 of 3


Greetings Treasure Hunters, Adventurers, etc.,

Here’s what been revised, updated and/or newly added to Page 3 of 3:


Best regards,

David E Ros, Editor, Treasure Hunter and Webmaster Owner

Originally published: April 30, 2011
Last revised: 7-12-2018; 6-8-2021

Revised “Ghost Towns and Mines (USA & World-Wide) Informative Website’s URL Links” website.

Added videos to the “Lost Dutchman Gold Mine Videos” webpage.

Revised webpage: 3-23-2014

Added “Lost Gold Mines and Lost Treasures” List’s Informative Website’s URL Links” webpage.

Revised webpage: 3-17-2014

Updated, added new URL link to “Treasure Map Sources Directory with Informative website’s URL Links, etc.” webpage.

Revised webpage: 3-13-2014 through 3-17-2014

Progressing with updates to all “ Famous Lost Gold Mines Treasures Video & Information Directory” webpages:

updated “ Famous Lost Gold Mines Treasures Video & Informative Website’s URL Links Directory” webpage;

updated “Black Bart, “Stagecoach Robber and Bandit” Videos & Informative Website’s URL Links” webpage;

updated “Black Bart, “Stagecoach Robber and Bandit” Videos” webpage;

updated “Black Bart, “Stagecoach Robber and Bandit” Informative Website’s URL Links, etc.” webpage;

updated “Blue Bucket Gold Mine Videos & Informative Website’s URL Links” webpage;

updated, added more videos to: “Jarbidge, Nevada – The Last Stagecoach Robbery in the U.S.” Videos & Informative Website’s URL Links” webpage;

added “Jarbidge, Nevada – The Lost Ross Mine, Jarbidge Mountains, Elko County, Nevada” Videos & Informative Website’s URL Links” webpage;

added “Jarbidge, Nevada – The Lost Sheepherder Mine, Jarbidge Mountains, Elko County, Nevada” Videos & Informative Website’s URL Links” webpage;

updated, added Jesse James videos to “Knights of the Golden Circle, (KGC) Treasures Videos & Informative Website’s URL Links” webpage;

updated “Lost Adams Diggings Videos & Informative Website’s URL Links” webpage;

updated “Pegleg’s Lost Gold Mine, California Videos & Informative Websites URL Links” webpage;

updated “Lost Dutchman gold Mine Videos & Informative Website’s URL Links Directory” webpage;

revised “Lost Dutchman Gold Mine Videos” webpage, moving some similar topic videos to their own webpages;

revised “Lost Dutchman Gold Mine Informative Website’s URL Links” webpage;

revised “Hiking the Superstition Wilderness Area, Arizona and Goldfield Mountains & Vicinity, Arizona Videos webpage”;

added “Superstition Wilderness, Tonto National Forest, Arizona Informative Website’s URL Links” webpage;

added “Goldfield, Arizona probable area of “Lost Dutchman Gold Mine?” Videos” webpage;

added “Goldfield, Arizona Ghost Town Informative Website’s URL Links” webpage;

added “Peralta Family Gold Mine, Inscribed Peralta Rock Mysteries, etc., Arizona Videos” webpage;

added “Peralta Family Gold Mine, Inscribed Peralta Rock Mysteries, etc., Arizona Informative Website’s URL Links” webpage;

added “Dr. Thorne and his friends the Apaches Gold Mine Story Videos” webpage;

added “Dr. Thorne and his friends the Apaches Gold Mine Story Informative Website’s URL Links” webpage;

updated “Lost Rhoades Mine, Utah Videos & Informative Website’s URL Links ” webpage;

updated “Montezuma’s Treasure Searches around Kanab, Utah Videos & Informative Website’s URL Links ” webpage.

updated “Slumack’s Gold, British Columbia, Canada Videos & Informative Website’s URL Links ” webpage;

updated “Slumach’s Gold, British Columbia, Canada Informative Website’s URL Links” webpage;

updated “Slumach’s Gold, British Columbia, Canada Map’s Website’s URL Links” webpage;

updated “Slumach’s Gold, British Columbia, Canada Videos and Information Directory” webpage.

Revised webpages: 3-7-2014 through 4-27-2014

Updated the “, etc. Treasure Hunting Articles, Newsletters and More Downloads Directory” webpage.

Revised webpage: 3-6-2014 through 3-9-2014

Added “New South Wales, Australia Ghost Town Videos ” webpage; added “North Queensland, Australia Ghost Town Videos” webpage; added “Australia’s Ghost Town Video Sub-directory” webpage in the updated “Ghost Towns, etc. – Worldwide Videos Directory” webpage.

Revised webpage: 3-1-2014 through 3-3-2014

Added “German Farm Fields, possible old former German Ghost Town Sites Videos” webpage; added “German WW II Sites Videos” webpage; in the newly added “German Old (Ghost) Town Sites Videos Sub-directory” webpage in the updated “Ghost Towns, etc. – Worldwide Videos Directory” webpage.

Revised webpage: 2-14-2014 and 3-2-3014

Added “ “The Fox with Ylvis” – “What does the Fox Say?” Music Videos” webpage.

Revised webpage: 1-1-2014

Added “New Years 2013 and 2014 Celebrations around Earth Videos” published with to the “Welcome World-Wide Treasure Hunters! Home Page” post.

Revised webpage: 12-31-2013

Added “Holiday/Christmas Trains and Light Displays Videos” published with to the “Welcome World-Wide Treasure Hunters! Home Page” post.

Revised webpage: 12-1-2013

Updated “Black Bart, Stagecoach Robber and Bandit Videos” webpage; “Black Bart, Stagecoach Robber and Bandit Informative URL Links, etc.” webpage; in the updated “Black Bart, Stagecoach Robber and Bandit Video and Information Directory” webpage in the update “Famous Lost Gold Mines Treasures Video & Information Directory” webpage.

Revised webpages: 11-3-2013

Updated “Sunken Ship’s Treasures, Spanish Ships Videos” webpage; “Sunken Treasure, Spanish Ship – Atocha Videos” webpage; and in the updated “ Sunken Ships Underwater Treasures Video Directory” webpages.

Revised webpage: 11-2-2013; 11-3-2013

Updated “California Gold Rush Historical Videos” webpage; ““Virginia City, Nevada – Silver/Gold Rush Boom, Comstock Lode Mines, Historical Videos” webpage” webpage; “Canada’s Yukon and Klondike Gold Rush Historical Videos” webpage in the updated “ Gold Rushes Video Directory” webpage.

Revised webpages: 10-31-2013.

Updated “Garage and Estate Sales, etc. (Buying and Selling) Videos” webpage; “Jewelry Finds claimed by the Female Gender” webpage; added “Swap Meets, Seller’s Festivals/Markets, Parking Area Meets, etc.” webpage; updated “Thrift Store Finds” webpage to the “ Garage, Estate Sales, Flea Markets, Thrift Stores, Rummaging, etc. (Buying and Selling) Video Directory” webpage.

Revised webpages: 10-29-2013 through 10-31-2013

General update to all webpages to convert the webpages to standard-like format. Could take a while to complete. Also replacing old videos which are no longer published online at and adding some new videos, etc.

Update “Big Gold Nuggets Found! Videos” webpage with 4-new videos and replaced 2-videos that are no longer published at

Revised webpages: 10-26-2013

Added “ Interesting TV Introductions Videos” webpage.

Updated “Welcome World-Wide Treasure Hunters! Home Page” webpage with new related books/DVDs for sale links.

Revised webpages: 10-9-2013

Updated “Lost Dutchman Gold Mine Video/Information Directory” webpage with a few changes introduction’s text.

Revised webpage: 8-13-2013

Replaced “removed from service” video with a VEVO video on “Original California Poetry & Stories by David E Ros” webpage in the “David, Webmaster and this Website! Directory”.

Revised webpage: 7-24-2013

Added videos, etc. to the “Georgia – Gold Dredging Videos” webpage in the “Gold Dredging Video Sub-directory” in the “ Placer Gold Panning, Sluicing, Dredging, Crevicing, Sniping, etc. Video Directory”.

Revised webpage: 6-24-2013

Added videos, etc. to the “Georgia – Placer Gold Panning Videos” webpage in the “Placer Gold Panning Video Sub-directory” in the “ Placer Gold Panning, Sluicing, Dredging, Crevicing, Sniping, etc. Video Directory”.

Revised webpage: 6-23-2013 and 6-24-2013

The following webpages are being developed and published as progress is obtained: “Slumach’s Gold, British Columbia, Canada Videos” webpage; the “Slumach’s Gold, British Columbia, Canada Original Story, by David E Ros, (no exact treasure location is provided yet is an interesting read); the “Slumach’s Gold, British Columbia, Canada URL Links for Additional Information, etc.”, in the “Slumach’s Gold, British Columbia, Canada Video/Information Directory” webpage.

Revised webpages: 6-16-2013 through 6-22-2013

Revised “Black Bart, Stagecoach Robber and Bandit URL Links for Additional Information, etc.” webpage; the “Lost Dutchman Gold Mine Videos” webpage; the “Lost Dutchman Gold Mine Videos” webpage; “Montezuma’s Treasure Searches around Kanab, Utah Videos” webpage; and the “ Famous Lost Gold Mines Buried Treasures Video Directory” webpage.

Revised webpages: 6-16-2013 and on.

Revised “Getting Internet Traffic to my website” webpage to add more clarifications.

Revised webpage: June 15, 2013

Revised “Black Bart, Stagecoach Robber and Bandit Videos” webpage; added new “Black Bart, Stagecoach Robber and Bandit URL Links for Additional Information, etc.” webpage; and added new “Black Bart, Stagecoach Robber and Bandit Video Directory” webpage.

Revised webpages: 6-6-2013

Temporarily off-line until further notice are the “Eternal Newsletters Directory” and “The Eternal Newsletters” while undergoing major revisions, expanded coverage, clarifications and text.

Revised webpages: 5-29-2013; Original writing continues: 6-22-2013

Added “Hiking the Superstition Wilderness Area, Arizona and Goldfield Mountains & Vicinity, Arizona Videos” webpage; revised the “Lost Dutchman Gold Mine Videos” webpage; and added the “Lost Dutchman Gold Mine URL Links for Additional Information, etc.” webpage in the new “Lost Dutchman Gold Mine Directory” webpage in the “ Famous Lost Gold Mines Buried Treasures Video Directory” webpage.

Revised webpages: 5-27-2013 through 6-7-2013

Updated “Lost Dutchman Mine Map Directory” webpage, added quick access links, etc.

Revised webpage: 5-27-2013

Added “Who Killed Jesse James, New Clues to The Old Mystery” written by Dr. Roy William Roush, a Book Review” webpage to the “Book Review Directory” webpage.

Revised webpage: 4-26-2013

Updated and added videos to “Calico, California Ghost Town Videos” webpage in the “California Ghost Town Video Sub-directory”.

Updated “Allensworth, California Ghost Town Videos” webpage in the “California Ghost Town Video Sub-directory”.

Revised webpages: 2-10-2013

Updated “Bodie, California Ghost Town Videos” webpage in “California Ghost Town Videos Sub-directory”.

Revised webpage: 2-6-2013

Updated “Independence Mine State Park, Alaska Ghost Town Videos” in the “Alaska Ghost Town Video Sub-directory”.

Updated “Rawhide, Arizona Ghost Town Videos” in the “Arizona Ghost Town Video Sub-directory”.

Revised webpage: 2-5-2013

Added left side blogroll menu for “Old Mines (Historical and Operating), etc. – United States of America and Territories Video Directory”.

Added with videos the “Sandon, Yukon, Canada Ghost Town Videos” webpage in the “British Columbia, Canada Ghost Towns Video Sub-directory” webpage in the “Canada Ghost Town Sub-directory”.

Added with videos the “Dawson City, Yukon, Canada Ghost Town Videos” webpage in the “Yukon, Canada Ghost Towns Video Sub-directory” webpage in the “Canada Ghost Town Sub-directory”.

Added left side blogroll menu for “ Ghost Towns, etc. – United States of America and Territories Video Directory”.

Additional revisions to “ Ghost Towns, etc. – United States of America and Territories Video Directory”.

Revised webpages: 2-3-2013

Updated “Canada Ghost Towns Videos” to the Ghost Towns, etc. – Worldwide Videos Directory”.

Updated “ Ghost Towns, etc. – Worldwide Videos Directory”.

Updated and added videos to “Wyoming Ghost Towns Videos” webpage; and to “US Route 66 Historic Highway Ghost Town Videos” webpage.

Revised webpages: 2-2-2013

Updated and added videos to “Washington Ghost Towns Videos” webpage.

Revised webpage: 2-1-2013

Updated and added videos to “Utah Ghost Towns Videos” webpage.

Updated “Terlingua, Texas Ghost Town Videos” and the “Texas Ghost Town Videos Sub-directory”.

Revised webpage: 1-31-2013

Updated and added videos to “Pennsylvania Ghost Towns Videos”; and “South Dakota Ghost Towns Videos”; updated Utah Ghost Towns Videos.

Revised webpage: 1-27-2013

Updated and added videos to “Oregon Ghost Towns Videos” webpage.

January 26, 2013

Added “Placerville, California Ghost Towns Videos” webpage in the “California Ghost Towns Videos Sub-directory”.

January 24, 2013

Added “Madrid, New Mexico Ghost Town Videos” webpage in the updated/added videos “New Mexico Ghost Town Videos Sub-directory” webpage.

January 23, 2013

Updated and Added Videos to the “Oklahoma Ghost Towns Videos Sub-directory”.

Added “Kelly, New Mexico Ghost Town Videos” webpage; “Mogollon, New Mexico Ghost Town Videos” webpage; “White Oaks, New Mexico Ghost Town Videos webpage in the updated/added videos “New Mexico Ghost Town Videos Sub-directory” webpage.

January 22, 2013

Added new story to “Original California Poetry & Stories by David E Ros” in the “What’s new on” webpage.

January 22, 2013

Added Videos to “Michigan Ghost Towns Videos” webpage; “Missouri Ghost Towns Videos” webpage; and in the “Montana Ghost Towns Videos Sub-directory” webpage.

Added Video to “Nelson, Nevada Ghost Town Videos” in the “Nevada Ghost Town Videos Sub-directory” webpage.

Added “Goldfield, Nevada Ghost Town Videos” webpage in the “Nevada Ghost Town Videos Sub-directory” webpage”.

January 21, 2013

Updated/Added Videos “Virginia City, Nevada Ghost Town Historical/Recent Videos and More!” in the “Nevada Ghost Towns Videos Sub-directory” webpage.

Updated/Added Videos “Las Vegas, Nevada and Vicinity Ghost Town Videos” webpage in the “Nevada Ghost Towns Videos Sub-directory” webpage.

Added quick access links to “Las Vegas, Nevada and Vicinity Ghost Town Videos;” “Lida, Nevada and Vicinity Ghost Town Videos” in the “Nevada Ghost Towns Videos Sub-directory” webpage.

Added quick access link to more webpages concerning the in the general vicinity: “Beatty, Nevada Ghost Town Video” topics to “Rhyolite, Nevada Ghost Town Videos” in the “Nevada Ghost Towns Videos Sub-directory” webpage.

Added quick access link to more webpages concerning the in the general vicinity: “Rhyolite, Nevada Ghost Town Video” topics to “Beatty, Nevada Ghost Town Videos” in the “Nevada Ghost Towns Videos Sub-directory” webpage.

January 20, 2013.

Updated/Added Videos “Reno, Nevada Historical/Recent Videos and More!” and “Virginia City, Nevada Ghost Town Historical/Recent Videos and More!” webpage in the “Nevada Ghost Towns Video Sub-directory” webpage.

January 19, 2013

Updated/Added Videos “McCarthy-Kennicott, Alaska Ghost Town Videos” in the “Alaska Ghost Towns Videos Sub-directory” webpage.

Updated “Gold Point, Nevada Ghost Town Videos” webpage; “Goodspring, Nevada Ghost Town Videos” webpage; “Reno, Nevada Historical/Recent Videos and More!”; “Rhyolite, Nevada Ghost Town Videos” webpage; “Virginia City, Nevada Ghost Town Historical/Recent Videos and More!” webpage in the “Nevada Ghost Towns Video Sub-directory”.

Updated “Michigan Ghost Towns Videos” webpage; “Mississippi Ghost Towns Videos” webpage; “Missouri Ghost Towns Videos” webpage and in the “Montana Ghost Towns Videos” webpage.

Added “Beatty, Nevada Ghost Town Videos” webpage; “Rhyolite, Nevada Ghost Town Videos” webpage; and “Tonopah, Nevada Ghost Town Videos” in the Nevada Ghost Towns Video Sub-directory” webpage.

Updated “Kansas Ghost Towns Video” webpage and in the “Kansas Ghost Towns Video Sub-directory” webpage.

January 18, 2013

A few revisions to several webpages, etc. including repairing the quick access links on the “David, Webmaster and this Website Directory” webpage.

I will also note of the need to alter existing blogroll menus after adding new webpages because the menu plugin program is adding those new webpages into several existing blogroll menus where those new webpages do not belong. So I have to continue to repair these issues after adding new webpages for the time being.

January 17, 2013

Added “Hiking to Gold Mines, Nevada, USA Videos” webpage in the “Hiking to Gold Mines, USA Video Directory” webpage.

Updated “Hiking to Gold Mines, California, USA Videos” in the “Hiking to Gold Mines, USA Video Directory” webpage.

Updated “Home Post Page” with 5-different Gold and Gold Nugget Videos

Updated “Big Gold Nuggets Found! Videos” webpage in the “Big Gold Nuggets Found! Video Directory” webpage.

January 15, 2013

Updated “Humphrey, Idaho Ghost Town Videos” webpage; “Pearl, Idaho Ghost Town Videos” webpage; “Silver City, Idaho Ghost Town Videos” webpage and added “Rocky Bar, Idaho Ghost Town Videos” webpage also in the “Idaho Ghost Town Videos Sub-directory” webpage.

January 14, 2013

Updated quick access links to more webpages of the “Colorado Ghost Towns Videos Sub-directory” webpage/h3>

Updated the arrangement of the webpages under the “Idaho Ghost Town Videos Sub-directory” webpage.

January 7-2013.

Added “Mineral City, Idaho Ghost Town Videos” webpage and “Payette, Idaho Ghost Town Videos” webpage in the “Idaho Ghost Town Videos Sub-directory” webpage.

January 6, 2013

Added “Desert Center, California Ghost Town Videos” and “Pioneertown, California Ghost Town Videos” in the “California Ghost Town Video Sub-directory” webpage.

December 30, 2012

Updated “Bodie, California Ghost Town Videos” in the “California Ghost Town Video Sub-directory” webpage.

December 29, 2012, December 30, 2012

Revised updated the following directory: “ Big Gold Nuggets Found! Video Directory,” “ Treasure Hunting / Prospecting Video Directory,” “ Metal Detecting Video Directory,” “ Placer Gold Panning, Sluicing, Dredging, Crevicing, Sniping, etc. Video Directory,” and “ Desert Gold Drywashing, Trommel Mining, etc. Video Directory”. The main topic webpage is called: “Directory”; the sub-directories with child webpage(s) are called: “Sub-directory”; and the webpages under the main directory without “child” webpage(s) are listed “Videos” for plural and “Video” for “singular”.

December 7, 2012 through December 24, 2012

Added “Elgin, Kansas Ghost Town Videos” webpage to the “Kansas Ghost Town Video Sub-directory”.

December 24, 2012

Added “Stockton, California Ghost Town Videos” to the “California Ghost Towns Videos” Sub-directory”.

December 24, 2012

Added “Cahawba, Alabama Ghost Town Videos” webpage to the “Alabama Ghost Town Video Sub-directory”.

December 12, 2012

Added “Belleville, California Ghost Town Video” webpage to the “California Ghost Towns Videos Sub-directory”.

December 19, 2012

Added “Allensworth, California Ghost Town Videos” and “Cerro Gordo, California Ghost Town Videos” webpages to the “California Ghost Towns Videos Sub-directory”.

December 18, 2012

Added “Cerbat, Arizona Ghost Town Videos” webpage to the “Arizona Ghost Towns Video Sub-directory”.

December 16, 2012

Added “Rich Hill near Stanton, Arizona Mines Videos” webpage to the “Arizona Mines (Historical and Operating) Videos Sub-directory”.

December 15, 2012; Revised: 12-16-2012

Added “Canton, Georgia Ghost Town Video” and “Roswell, Georgia Ghost Town Videos” webpages to the “Georgia Ghost Towns Video Sub-directory”.

December 15, 2012

Added the “Bottle Digging and Collecting Video Sub-directory” and the: “Bottle Digging and Collecting – Bottle Digging and Collecting – “Recovering Relics” Videos”.

Bottle Digging and Collecting – “Recovering Relics” Videos December 7, 2012

Added the “Bottle Digging and Collecting Video Sub-directory” and the: “Bottle Digging and Collecting – at Dump Locations Videos” webpage and “Bottle Digging and Collecting – Privy/Outhouses Locations Videos” webpage.

December 5, 2012

Added Winter Holidays website colors of red and green theme and added 5-Christmas Holidays videos on the Home page base area.

November 30, 2012

Updated: Treasure Books List “A” through “C”. I’m continuing to add, etc. purchase links.

November 14, 2012

Back online on October 23, 2012 after changing my web hosting account to: Ubuntu operating system, (a Linux based software) and my Self-Hosting software to Easy Host Control Panel. I left the subscription based cPanel Control Panel software), because they could not correct errors in their software fast enough to satisfy my needs. After getting acquainted with Easy Host Control Panel this software satisfies my internet publishing need. I use the aforementioned software as I have a self-service internet account not with full service features.

October 23, 2012

some revisions to the “Gold Dredging Video Directory” and the two sub-directories: “Georgia – Gold Dredging Videos” and “Oregon – Gold Dredging Videos”.

Activated my listings on the “Ros Company – My items for sale!” and “Ros Company – My items for sale!” webpages, etc.

September 29, 2012

Main webpages of back online after being down since 9-13-2012 due to a third party add-on/update not being compatible with my WordPress software.

September 27, 2012

Revising the left side blog roll layout to prevent exceeding limits of menu size. With new layout I’m not exceeding the menu size limits.

Revising “Website software I Presently Use” webpage.

August 29, 2012

Added “Metal Detecting on Lakes” webpage.

August 28, 2012

Added “ Meteorite Hunting, Collecting Video Directory” and “Hunting for Meteorites and Collecting Meteorites Videos” webpage.

Added more videos to “Campo Del Cielo Meteorite 55.4 Lbs. Found in Argentina. Meteorite site discovered around 1576 for Sale!”

August 23, 2012

Added Items for Sale webpage; Items for Sale webpage and Campo Del Meteorite for Sale! webpage.

August 30, 2012

Added “California, South Carolina and Utah” “- Dinosaur Bones, etc. – Relic & Artifact Hunting Videos” webpages to the “Dinosaur Bones, etc. – Relic & Artifact Hunting Video Sub-directory”.

August 5, 2012.

Added “Beach Metal Detecting Tips Videos” in the “ Metal Detecting Video Directory”.

Added another item for sale in the “Ros Company – My Items for sale!” webpage. Probably add a few more items in the later days.

Added “Ros Company – My Items for sale!” webpage and revised the “Ros Company – My items for sale!” webpage.

August 29, 2012

Added “Nevada – GPAA Gold Prospectors Association of America Outings, etc. Videos” webpage to the “GPAA – Gold Prospectors Association of America Outings, etc. Videos Directory”.

August 3, 2012

I removed the links to my Store # 2 and Store # 3 while overhauling those websites due to the affiliate program run by Commission Junction after 5 months wants to charge me monthly fees to advertise for their clients in 30 days. So today after I received Commission Junction’s email regarding this subject I requested via Email to Commission Junction to closed my Commission Junction account. Fortunately, I have many additional affiliate programs to use in the future. Ros Company Superstore # 1 and Ros Company “Digital River’s RegNow” software store, etc. are still open.

Starting to revise and update my “Treasure Book Lists” only have a small part of this list online now. I’m adding many new book titles in new webpage formats.

August 1, 2012

Added “North Carolina – GPAA Gold Prospectors Association of America Outings Videos” webpage to the “GPAA” – “Gold Prospectors Association of America” Outings Videos Directory”.

Pretty much completed restoring my website files and links since moving to a new website hosting

I’m continuing to add quick access links on the directory pages of the many categories listed on this website.

June 17-2012

My website hosting company has been very reliable for some years had a major data crash.

I had backup copies of my website files, however technical obstacles and the search for a new website hosting firm extended my downtime while working regular type hours

to about two and half weeks to now starting to get my websites back online.

One obstacle is the approximately 7000 pleasant, civilized comments left by my visitors to this website is too large a file to conventionally upload through WordPress software.

So uploading those visitors comments may take a while longer as I get my additional websites back online first.

May 15, 2011; Revised: 6-14-2012

Added 6-new videos to the “Texas Ghost Towns Videos Directory” and added the “Terlingua, Texas Ghost Town Videos” webpage.

Revised the remaining sub-directories not yet revised to the “ “Ghost Towns, etc. – United States of America and Territories Video Directory”.

Added the “quick access to the sub-directories links to the “Ghost Towns, etc. – United States of America and Territories Video Directory”.

April 19, 2012

Added the “quick access to the sub-directories links at the “Big Gold Nuggets Found! Video Directory”

April 18, 2012

Revised the “ “Ghost Towns, etc. – Worldwide Video Directory” and the “Canada Ghost Towns Videos Sub-directory” webpage.

April 14, 2012

Added the “U.S. Civil War, etc. – Relic & Artifact Hunting Videos Sub-Directory” with separate subcategories of “North Carolina” and “Virginia” webpages on the “ “Artifact & Relic Hunting Video Directory”.

Revised the “Treasure Message Boards” webpage by creating a new webpage and deleting the old webpage. The problem was the old webpage would not save revisions, etc.

Completed THE URL link directory for my “David, Webmaster and this Website Directory”.

April 8, 2012

Repaired one URL link to “The AACA” on the “David’s Club’s, Association’s, etc. Membership List” webpage.

March 24, 2012

Continuing to update the ““ “Ghost Towns, etc. – United States of America and Territories Video Directory” and sub-directories, I’m up the New Mexico Ghost Towns Directory” thus far.

Added the following instruction “Then if you cannot read the “Collector’s Sheet Indexes for Treasure Magazines” images, click the link above the embed which is also below the numbered description text” to the “All 14-“Collector’s Sheet Indexes for Treasure Magazines” Images with download links” webpage.

Added new/replacement music videos for a few videos that have been removed from to the “Popular Old Western Culture Music Videos” webpage.

March 18, 2012

Added “Join a Rock, Gem & Mineral Collecting Club” to the “Getting Started in Treasure Hunting Directory”.

Added “Ballarat, California Ghost Town Videos”; “Grass Valley, California Ghost Town Videos”; and “Jamestown, California Ghost Town Videos” to “California Ghost Towns Videos” sub-directory.

Continuing to update all the “ “Ghost Towns, etc. – United States of America and Territories Video Directory” for latest titles/configurations, etc. that I’m incorporating website-wide.”

Added more videos in the “Arizona Ghost Town Videos” sub-directories.

Added the URL links for “Mines and Ghost Towns”; “Mojave Underground”; “Underground Explorers”; “Arizona Mine Explorations”; and “Nevada Gems – The New Turquoise Trail” to the “Ghost Towns and Mines (USA & World-Wide) Website’ URL Links” webpage.

March 6, 2012

Added more videos to “Death Valley NP Vicinity, California / Nevada Ghost Towns Videos” and “Calico, California Ghost Town Videos” to “California Ghost Town Videos” sub-directory.

Added “Metal Detecting on Private Property Permission Forms, etc. URL Links” webpage to the “Getting Started in Treasure Hunting Directory”.

March 3, 2012

Revising Ghost Town webpage titles, etc. and added videos to “Goldfield, Arizona Ghost Towns Videos” webpage.

Added “Jarbidge, Nevada – the Last Stagecoach Robbery in the U.S. Videos” in the “ “Famous Lost Gold Mines & Buried Treasures” Video Directory.

March 2, 2012

Added “Arizona – Round hounding, Gemstone and Mineral Specimen Collecting Videos” and “Nevada – Round hounding, Gemstone and Mineral Specimen Collecting Videos” in the “ “Round hounding, Gemstone and Mineral Specimen Collecting Video Directory”.

March 1, 2012

Updated “Montezuma’s Treasure Searches around Kanab, Utah Videos” in the “ “Famous Lost Gold Mines & Buried Treasures” Video Directory.

February 29, 2012

Revised the “Danger # 1 – Humans and “Survival Tips” Videos” and “Danger # 2 – Black / Brown, Grizzly and Polar Bears Videos” webpages.

February 25, 2012

Added “Pegleg’s Lost Gold Mine, California Videos” to the “ “Famous Lost Gold Mines & Buried Treasures” Videos” directory.

February 21, 2012

Added “Book Reviews Directory” with one sub-directory with my first book review on this website.

February 20, 2012

Added “Rock hounding and Mineral Specimen Collecting Video Directory” and “California – Round hounding and Mineral Specimen Collecting Videos” sub-directory. February 18, 2012

Added “Artifact & Relic Hunting Video Directory” with the “Dinosaur Bones, etc. – Artifact & Relic Hunting Videos” and “Indian Axe, Arrow and Spearheads Artifacts – Artifacts & Relic Hunting Videos” sub-directories webpages.

February 16 and 17, 2012. Revised: 2-18-2012

Added “Getting Started in Treasure Hunting Directory” with 6-sub-directories”.

February 11 & 12, 2012

Added “GPAA” – “Oregon” – Gold Prospectors Association of America” Outings Videos” sub-directory”.

February 5, 2012

Added “GPAA” – “Montana,” Oklahoma” – Gold Prospectors Association of America” Outings Videos” sub-directory”.

February 3, 2012

Added “GPAA” – “Colorado” – Gold Prospectors Association of America” Outings Videos” sub-directory”.

February 2, 2012

Added “GPAA” – “Gold Prospectors Association of America” Outings Videos Directory” and the “California” sub-directory.

February 1, 2012

Added “Placer Gold Trommel Mining Videos” to main directory; “Placer Gold Recovery Shaker Table Videos” directory; Added “Dangerous Wild Animals, Reptiles, Insects, and Humanoids, (Humans)! Directory” and the sub-directory of “Danger # 1 – Humans and “Survival Tips” Videos” and “Danger # 2 – Black / Brown, Grizzly and Polar Bears Videos”. January 31, 2012

Added sub-directories to the “Placer Gold Panning” sub-directory of “Placer Gold Panning, Sluicing, Dredging, Crevicing, Sniping, etc. Videos” directory. The U.S.A. states of Arizona; California; Colorado; Georgia; Idaho; Montana; New Hampshire; North Carolina; Oregon; Virginia; and West Virginia are now represented with “Placer Gold Panning videos”.

January 30 & 31, 2012

General maintenance and updates for “Placer Gold Panning, Sluicing, Dredging, Crevicing, Sniping, etc. Videos” directory.

Republished 12-images including 3-images from my personal travel’s photographs/image collections to: “Images” used on” webpage.

Completed republishing / maintenance and upgrades for January, 2012.

January 30, 2012

Republished “Lost Dutchman Gold Mine Maps # 1 through # 62 images” with adding them to my “ photography account,” instead of uploading the images to Word press. This way if my website needs to be republished my backup files have the correct image links for ease.

January 29, 2012

Added on the right side blog roll above my advertiser’s image links a “Woodland Hills, CA 91364” widget.

January 26, 2012

Added “Ros Company Superstore # 3” to this website’s top main menu bar as a “linking tab” to my newly created “Women’s/Ladies Fashions, Attires, Shoes, Jewelry and accessories, etc.” website.

January 25, 2012

Republished “Index to Treasure Stories of U.S.A. Magazines,” after some maintenance and off-internet time.

Revised “Interesting Ghost Towns, Mining Camps, Mines, Mining Equipment(s), etc.,” webpage Images with adding my “ account”, slide show, I will add more images as time goes on.

Republished “Images of”.

Website down 12-31-2011/1-1-2012. Republishing this website from 1-2-2012 until “COMPLETED”.

Revised message board link’s webpage; rearranged right side blogrolls for more information.

Added information to “Solving WordPress Hacking Issues” webpage about an “enabling cookies” problem that I solved for logging into WordPress, etc.

January 2, 2012.

I’ve added many “social network” buttons to the bottom of each post and/or page for your use and convenience.

I created “Ros Company Superstore” on new existing WordPress theme. I very pleased with the layout.

Visit my Ros Company store #1

Best wishes, happy holidays,

December 26, 2011

General revisions to many parts of this website and to the complete directory “ “Old Mines (Historical and Operating), etc. Videos” and to ‘ “Famous Lost Gold Mines & Buried Treasures” Videos’ directory.

Added “California Mining Journal August, 1931 V. 1 # 1 .pdf Download from ICMJ magazine” to a sub-directory of the, etc. “Treasure Hunting Articles, Newsletters” and More Downloads’ directory.

Added a new “Lost Rhoades Mine, Utah Videos” sub-directory and added more videos to the “Knights of the Golden Circle, (KGC) Treasures Videos” sub-directory to ‘ “Famous Lost Gold Mines & Buried Treasures” Videos’ directory.

December 2, 2011

Added more website links to: “Ghost Towns (USA and World-Wide) Websites” Directory.

Updated video window sizes on -“Finding Gold” video episodes;” “Gold Prospecting Videos;” “How to locate Placer Gold, etc.;” ‘”The Treasure Hunters” video episodes;’ “White’s Electronics, Treasure Hunting America;” and “Ghost Towns, Canada Videos” webpages”. There also is a full screen options available for all the videos on the video embed menu.

December 1, 2011

Added “YouTube’s Metal Detecting Videos” directory and the subdirectory “”Metal Detecting Tips Videos”. November 26, 2011

Added “, etc. “Treasure Hunting Articles, Newsletters” and More Downloads” with the sub-directories featuring “Mojave Desert,” “Sierra Nevada” and the first 3-issues of “Treasure Hunters Newsletter” from 1971.

November 16, 2011 Revised: 11-18-2011

Added more Historical Map Collection webpages including the “Library of Congress” and “Washington State University Map Collections” to my “Treasure Map Sources” directory.

November 16, 2011

Revised “Website Software I currently Use” webpage.

Revised: 11-16-2011

Added “Slide Show of all 14-of the “Collector’s Sheet Indexes for Treasure Magazines” webpage and sub-directory containing all 14-“Collector’s Sheet Index” for Treasure Magazines is being completed.

November 11, 2011 and November 12, 2011, respectively Revised both webpages: 11-13-2011

Revised, updated my Metal Detectors For Sale ( aStore) webpage and sub-directories and added “Canon” Digital Camera from” sub-directory.

November 7, 2011

Added “Ghost Towns (USA and World-Wide) Websites” webpage with links to 14-Ghost Town websites.

November 6, 2011

Added “California Ski/Snow Report” webpage to help predict the water levels of gold-bearing river/creek regions in California next spring.

November 4, 2011

Condensed my “Home Page” posts for easier reading, etc.

I’ve added “Placer Gold Sniping Videos” to the “ “Placer Gold Panning, Sluicing, Dredging, Crevicing, Sniping, etc.” Videos” directory’s sub-directories, enjoy.

I’ve added the present Winter Holiday theme as this website’s “skin,” I like this theme for the holiday season!

November 4, 2011

I’ve added “Placer Gold Crevicing Videos” to the “ “Placer Gold Panning, Sluicing, Dredging, Crevicing, Sniping, etc.” Videos” directory’s sub-directories, enjoy.

November 3, 2011

I finally reposted all Lost Dutchman Mine Maps # 1 through # 62 that I have available. These Lost Dutchman Mine Maps have been cropped and resized to largest image size that is online at this time. Please note: the Lost Dutchman Mine is a popular famous treasure area but digging/mining in now restricted in this federally designated Superstition Wilderness Area. Please do carefully research into the weather conditions and local laws/ways before venturing into Superstition Wilderness Area or related adjacent parks, reservations and private properties.

October 24, 2011

Moved “Interesting Ghost Towns, Mining Camps, Mines, Mining Equipment(s), etc., Slide Show Images” to its own directory tab located after “You Tube’s Gold Rush Videos”.

I’ve added “Virginia City, Nevada – Silver/Gold Rush & Boom, Comstock Lode Mines, Historical Videos” with 32-exciting videos of historical interests, present day Virginia City, Nevada, present day mining operation, present day stagecoach ride, present day Virginia City & Truckee Railroad, (V & T railroad), present day Virginia City Hill Climb automobile races and present time Camel races.

October 19, 2011

I’ve added “You Tube’s Gold Rush Videos” with a “California Gold Rush Historical Videos” and “Canada’s Yukon and Klondike Gold Rush Historical Videos” sub-directories. I’ve also added “Thrift Store Finds” webpage in the “Garage Sales, etc.” directory.

October 18, 2011

I’ve added “Jewelry Finds claimed by the Female Gender” webpage in the “Garage Sales, etc.” directory.

October 17, 2011

I’ve added 13-more videos to “The Treasure Hunters” Video series by “mudslideslim” sub-directory.

I’ve revised Big Gold Nuggets Found! and added 4-videos, added another sub-directory titled “Platinum Nuggets Found!” with 2-videos.

I’ve revised and added 18-videos to the 3-existing videos in the “Find Gold!” sub-directory to “Treasure Hunting/Prospecting directory.

October 16, 2011 and October 17, 2011

I’ve revised Eternal Newsletter # 1 and added Eternal Newsletter # 2 and # 3, (no new update from Washington District of Columbia, yet).

Actually not much new other than the contract(s) between U.S. Federal government and the planet / universe owner has expired, no new contracts are in the works since the U.S. Federal government is over two hundred years in arrears in payments to the “Boss”. I added the foregoing text and a few mores lines of text to my Eternal Newsletter # 3 on October 17, 2011.

August 21, 2011 and August 24, 2011 respectively.

Added Eternal introduction web page and Eternal Newsletter # 1.

August 13, 2011

Added Eternal Newsletters’ tabbed webpage for easy choice from top menu.

August 18, 2011

Added new text to the main “Home” post webpage.

Revised: August 19, 2011 Revised: August 18, 2011 Revised: August 14, 2011 Revised: August 12, 2011

Added past updates that where not listed before.

July 17, 2011

Added “ Garage and Estate Sales, etc. (Buying and Selling) Videos”.

July 16,2011 Revised: 7-17-2011

Added “Interesting Ghost Towns, Mining Camps, Mines, Mining Equipment(s), etc., Slide Show Images”.

July 10, 2011

Added “Getting Internet Traffic to my website”.

July 9, 2011 Revised: 7-17-2011

Added “I’m not available for Freelance Projects and/or Consultations”.

July 9, 2011

Added “Index to Treasure Stories in U.S.A. Magazines” tab for convenience to use this sub-directory to”. June 29, 2011

Added “Placer Gold Trommel Mining” Videos on sub-directories.

June 27, 2011

Added “Desert Gold Trommel Mining Videos” and added sub-directory.

June 27, 2011

Added “How to use T-H-Income’s RSS Feed”.

June 25, 2011

Added “Original California Poetry by David E Ros”.

June 20, 2011

Added “Facebook”.

June 11, 2011

Added “Solving WordPress Hacking Issues”.

June 10, 2011

Added Posts feed, subscribe now at top right of each webpage, (I will soon add Posts feed to “Index to Treasure Stories in Magazines”).

June 9, 2011

Added a new Post # 6 paragraph about the adage “Time is Money”.

June 2, 2011

Updated video links, deleted video links which no longer work, added many new videos, created new categories and sub-category video webpages thus separating the videos into proper unique groupings.

May 28, 2011 Revised: June 1, 2011

Added “Website Software I now Use”.

May 19, 2011 Revised: 6-1-2011 Revised: 6-10-2011

Added “Images of”.

Added: May 5, 2011

Added “What’s new on”

April 30, 2011

Added “Lost Adams Diggings” videos

April 30, 2011

Revised: “Treasure Magazine Sources”.

Revised: April 8, 2011

Added “Lost Dutchman Mine Maps # 1 through # 6”.

I Will be adding the Lost Dutchman Mine Maps # 7 through # 62 as soon as possible.

April 5, 2011

Revised: “Ros Company Store”.

March 3, 2011

Revised: “Treasure Message Board”.

March 3, 2011

Revised: “About”.

March 2, 2011

Additional website revisions, updates ongoing when I have available time.


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1 thought on “What’s new on Page 3 of 3

  1. It’s a pity you don’t have a donate button! I without a doubt would donate to thiu exccellent blog! I suppose for now I’ll settle foor bookmarking and adding yor RSS feed to my Google account.
    I look forwwrd to brand new updates and I will share this blog with my Facebook group.

    Chat soon!

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