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Famous Lost Gold Mines, Treasures Videos, Informative Websites, Editor’s Comments, Maps & Forum’s URL Links Index

Famous Lost Gold Mines, Treasures Videos, Informative Websites, Editor’s Comments, Maps & Forum’s URL Links Index


Greeting Treasure Hunters, Adventurers and all wanting a good time and/or adventure,


This is the Famous Lost Gold Mines, Treasures Videos, Informative website’s & Forum’s URL Links Index webpage.

Check the appropriate names/titles of the subsequent webpages under this Index to select/view the desired videos and/or informative website’s & forum’s URL links to an outside webpage.


For quick access to more webpages of the Famous Lost Gold Mines, Treasures Videos, Informative Websites, Editor’s Comments, Maps & Forum’s URL Links Index’s links, I’ve made a quick access link listing and listed it below.

There is an open full screen option in the video’s menu.

I give full credit to the publisher of the Videos by listing their’s nickname and of their Informative Website’s & Forum’s URL Links by listing their URL address of their website.


Best regards,


David E Ros, Editor, Treasure Hunter and Webmaster Owner

Published on: May 9, 2011 at 00:11
Revised: 5-9-2011; 2-9-2011; 3-2-2012; 5-27-2013; 6-6-2013; 6-17-2013; 11-3-2013; 3-7-2014; 3-8-2014; 3-9-2014; 3-14-2014; 3-15-2014; 3-16-2014; 3-27-2014; 4-12-2014; 4-27-2014; 6-18-2016; 5-31-2021; 6-6-2021; 6-8-2021; 6-21-2021; 8-1-2021; 8-4-2021; 8-16-2022; 8-17-2022; 8-21-2022; 8-22-2022; 8-23-2022; 8-24-2022; 11-26-2022; 11-27-2022
8-16-2022 repaired the URL links to the: “13. Slumach’s Gold, British Columbia, Canada Videos, Informative Website’s & Forum’s and Editor’s Comments’ Quick Access URL Links Directory” and to all the URL linked on the Directory’s webpage’s URL links
8-17-2022 repaired the URL links to the Lost Dutchman Gold Mine webpages;
8-22-2022 repaired the URL links to the: Goldfield, Arizona Ghost Town” Informative Website’s URL Links webpage with a replaced URL link #3; added the URL link #6; added a Facebook URL link;
8-23-2022 transferred webpage to a new webpage & got a new URL link;
8-23-2022 repaired the URL links to the: Lost Dutchman Gold Mine, The Peralta Stones Maps, Goldfield, Superstition Wilderness & Dr. Thorne, Arizona
8-24-2022 repaired the URL links to the: Kokoweef Peak, Underground River of Gold & Exploratory Mines, California Videos, Informative Website’s & Forum’s Quick Access URL Links Directory webpage
11-24-2022 repaired the URL links to the: Peg Leg’s Lost Gold Mine, California Informative Website’s & Forum’s URL Links, Page 1 of 1;
11-26-2022; 11-27-2022 changed #12’s name, URL link and the webpage title’s to “Peg Leg’s Lost Gold Mine, California Videos, Informative website’s links, Forum’s links and Editor’s Comment’s Directory” webpage
11-26-2022; 11-27-2022 misc. text changes
11-27-2022 checked the spelling and revised the webpage’s text if required with the Microsoft Word program;
11-27-2022 checked, revised the HTML codes to comply to the latest W3Schools code layout standards;
11-27-2022 manual check of HTML codes;
11-27-2022 checked, ran HTML code Validator and HTML code image viewer of my HTML from: Results: passed, O.K.
11-27-2022 changed the webpage title’s to “Peg Leg’s Lost Gold Mine, California Videos, Informative website’s links, Forum’s links and Editor’s Comment’s Directory”

1. Black Bart, Stagecoach Robber and Bandit Videos & Informative Website’s URL Links Directory webpage

Black Bart, Stagecoach Robber and Bandit Videos & Informative Website’s URL Links Directory webpage


2. Blue Bucket Gold Mine Videos & Informative Website’s URL Links webpage

Blue Bucket Gold Mine Videos & Informative Website’s URL Links webpage


3. Jarbidge, Nevada – The Last Stagecoach Robbery in the U.S. Videos & Informative Website’s URL Links webpage

Jarbidge, Nevada – The Last Stagecoach Robbery in the U.S. Videos & Informative Website’s URL Links webpage


4. Jarbidge, Nevada – The Lost Ross Mine, Jarbidge Mountains, Elko County, Nevada Videos & Informative Website’s URL Links webpage

Jarbidge, Nevada – The Lost Ross Mine, Jarbidge Mountains, Elko County, Nevada Videos & Informative Website’s URL Links webpage


5. Jarbidge, Nevada – The Lost Sheepherder Mine, Jarbidge Mountains, Elko County, Nevada Videos & Informative Website’s URL Links webpage

Jarbidge, Nevada – The Lost Sheepherder Mine, Jarbidge Mountains, Elko County, Nevada Videos & Informative Website’s URL Links webpage


6. Knights of the Golden Circle, (KGC) Treasures Videos & Informative Website’s URL Links webpage

Knights of the Golden Circle, (KGC) Treasures Videos & Informative Website’s URL Links webpage


7. Kokoweef Peak, Underground River of Gold & Exploratory Mines, California Videos, Informative Website’s & Forum’s Quick Access URL Links Directory webpage

Kokoweef Peak, Underground River of Gold & Exploratory Mines, California Videos, Informative Website’s & Forum’s Quick Access URL Links Directory webpage


8. Lost Adams Diggings Videos & Informative Website’s URL Links webpage

Lost Adams Diggings Videos & Informative Website’s URL Links webpage


9. Lost Dutchman Gold Mine; The Peralta Stones Maps; Goldfield; Superstition Wilderness; & Dr. Thorne, Arizona Comprehensive Directory

Lost Dutchman Gold Mine; The Peralta Stones Maps; Goldfield; Superstition Wilderness; & Dr. Thorne, Arizona Comprehensive Directory webpage


10. Lost Rhoades Mine, Utah Videos & Informative Website’s URL Links webpage

Lost Rhoades Mine, Utah Videos & Informative Website’s URL Links webpage


11. Montezuma’s Treasure Searches around Kanab, Utah Videos & Informative Website’s URL Links webpage

Montezuma’s Treasure Searches around Kanab, Utah Videos & Informative Website’s URL Links webpage


12. Peg Leg’s Lost Gold Mine, California Videos, Informative website’s links, Forum’s links and Editor’s Comment’s Directory webpage

Peg Leg’s Lost Gold Mine, California Videos, Informative website’s links, Forum’s links and Editor’s Comment’s Directory webpage


13. Slumach’s Gold, British Columbia, Canada Videos, Informative Website’s & Forum’s and Editor’s Comments’ Quick Access URL Links Directory webpage

Slumach’s Gold, British Columbia, Canada Videos, Informative Website’s & Forum’s Quick Access URL Links Directory webpage


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