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Treasure Magazine Sources

Treasure Magazine Sources


Treasure hunting magazines are an excellent source of treasure hunting information. The following is a list of Treasure Hunting magazine purchasing links, (new subscriptions and back issues).


Treasure Magazines Sources List


1. “eBay” has a nice selection of used Treasure magazines for sale every day. Treasure magazine can usually be purchased in lots for about $ 1.50 to $ 2.50 each.

2. “Lost Treasure” magazine stopped publication in December 2018.


3. Subscribe to “Western & Eastern Treasures” magazine.

3.1 “Silver & Gold” magazine has current and back annual issues available for purchase, (published by “Western & Eastern Treasures”).

4. Subscribe to “Gold Prospectors Association of America”, GPAA magazine.

5. Subscribe to “ICMJ’s Prospecting and Mining Journal” magazine.

5.1 “ICMJ’s Prospecting and Mining Journal” magazine has back issues available for purchase.

6. Subscribe to “Rock & Gem” magazine.

6.1 “Rock & Gem” magazine has back issues available for purchase.

7. Subscribe to “American Digger” magazine.!/Magazine-Annual-Print-Subscription/p/74356173/category=21444105

8. “The New 49ers'” website has very good a selection of back issues of their former bi-monthly publication “Gold and Treasure Hunter”magazine.

Private Sellers of Treasure Magazines


1. Workman’s Books


Address: Alan Workman, 12472 Lake Underhill Rd #178, Orlando, FL 32828
Phone: 1-941-518-4182
Office Hours: I will answer the phone Monday through Friday, 9:00 AM through 5:00 PM


1-1. Workman’s Books sells Treasure Hunting magazines.

1-2. Workman’s Books, a Bookseller also sells Treasure, Treasure Hunting books. I’ve have purchased Treasure Hunting books from Workman’s Books, “I fully recommend Workman’s Books”.

2. Ted Doades


579 S.E. 9th Street, Dept. TH1,
Dundee, OR 97115
(Send $ 2.00 for current magazine list).
Ted also sells Western magazines.


Best Regards,
David, Editor, Treasure Hunter and Webmaster.

Published on: May 23, 2009 at 01:10
Revised: 4-8-2011; 6-1-2012; 6-18-2015; 6-19-2015; 6-24-2015; 6-18-2016; 1-21-2021; 1-22-2021
1-21-2021 updated the webpage and the URL links with related text;
1-21-2021; 1-22-2021 checked the spelling and revised the webpage’s text if required with the Microsoft Word program;
1-21-2021 checked, revised the HTML codes to comply to the latest W3Schools code layout standards;
1-21-2021; 1-22-2021 checked, ran HTML code Validator and HTML code image viewer of my HTML from: Results: passed, O.K.;
1-21-2021; 1-22-2021 manual check of HTML codes;
1-22-2021 misc. text changes

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