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Kokoweef Peak Underground River of Gold & Exploratory Mines, California webpages
Kokoweef Peak, Underground River of Gold & Exploratory Mines, California Videos, Informative Website’s & Forum’s Quick Access URL Links Directory
8-24-2022 repaired this URL link; added minor revisions and new text to the Quick Editor Comments; Quick Editor’s Comments are in the upper webpage’s text area; was 6-9-2021
Kokoweef Peak Underground River of Gold & Exploratory Mines, California Videos, Page 1 of 1
8-24-2022 repaired this URL link; was 7-2-2021
Kokoweef Peak, Underground River of Gold & Exploratory Mines, California Informative Website’s & Forum’s URL Links, Page 1 of 1
8-24-2022 repaired this URL link; was 7-11-2021
Lost Dutchman Gold Mine, Arizona webpages
Lost Dutchman Gold Mine, The Peralta Stones Maps, Goldfield, Superstition Wilderness, & Dr. Thorne, Arizona Comprehensive Directory
8-18-2022 & 8-17-2022 repaired 6-URL links & more will be repaired; was 11-23-2021
Lost Dutchman Gold Mine Videos, Page 1 of 3
8-18-2022 repaired this link; was 6-28-2021
Lost Dutchman Gold Mine Videos, Page 2 of 3
8-18-2022 repaired this link; was 6-23-2021
Lost Dutchman Gold Mine Videos, Page 3 of 3
8-18-2022 repaired this link; was 6-23-2021
Lost Dutchman Gold Mine Informative Website’s URL Links, Page 1 of 2
8-18-2022 repaired this link; was 6-24-2021
Lost Dutchman Gold Mine Informative Website’s URL Links, Page 2 of 2
8-18-2022 repaired this link; was 6-25-2021
Editor’s Comments – Jacob Waltz, Lost Dutchman, Phoenix, Arizona, Page 1 of 1
8-18-2022 repaired this link; was 11-29-2021
Facebook Group for: Editor’s Comments – Jacob Waltz, Lost Dutchman, Phoenix, Arizona
Goldfield, Arizona probable area of Lost Dutchman Gold Mine? webpages
Repaired URL links on 4-wepages below: 8-23-2022
Goldfield, Arizona probable area of “Lost Dutchman Gold Mine?”
8-23-2022 repaired this link; was 8-17-2021
Goldfield, Arizona Ghost Town Informative Website’s URL Links
8-23-2022 repaired this link; was 3-25-2022
Editor’s Comments – Goldfield, Arizona probable area of Lost Dutchman Gold Mine?, Page 1 of 1
8-23-2022 repaired this link; was 11-29-2022
Facebook Group for: Editor’s Comments – Goldfield, Arizona probable area of Lost Dutchman Gold
Slumach’s Gold, British Columbia, Canada webpages
8-16-2002 repaired URL links on 7-wepages below:
Slumach’s Gold, British Columbia, Canada Videos, Informative Website’s & Forum’s and Editor’s Comments’ Quick Access URL Links Directory
8-16-2022; repaired the 5-URL links to the webpages; was 6-6-2021
Slumach’s Gold, British Columbia, Canada Videos, Page 1 of 3
8-16-2022 repaired the URL link; was 5-29-2021
Slumach’s Gold, British Columbia, Canada” Videos, Page 2 of 3
8-16-2022 repaired URL link; was 5-29-2021
Slumach’s Gold, British Columbia, Canada Videos, Page 3 of 3
8-16-2022 repaired URL link; was 5-27-2021
Slumach’s Gold, British Columbia, Canada Informative Website’s & Forum’s URL Links, Page 1 of 1
8-16-2022; repaired the URL link; was 8-1-2021
Editor’s Comments – Slumach’s Gold, British Columbia, Canada, Page 1 of 1
8-16-2022 repaired the URL link; was 7-29-2021 Continuing final reviews
Facebook Group for: Editor’s Comments – Slumach’s Gold, British Columbia, Canada, Page 1 of 1
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Also the Amazon image advertisements are being phased out by Amazon.com. Adding new Amazon.com advertisement links, additional new websites’ links, updating the webpage with new links, removing old links and found new information, etc. Also adding links to YouTube.com Treasure channels with many free to view videos.
Meteorite Hunting, Collecting Video Index
7-13-2022; 1-7-2022
Hunting for Meteorites and Collecting Meteorites Videos, Page 1 of 2
7-13-2022; 1-5-2022
Hunting for Meteorites and Collecting Meteorites Videos, Page 2 of 2
7-13-2023; 1-5-2022
Identifying Meteorites Videos
7-13-2023; 1-7-2022
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The Peralta Stones Maps, Arizona webpages
* * *
Lost Dutchman Gold Mine; The Peralta Stones Maps; Goldfield; Superstition Wilderness; & Dr. Thorne, Arizona Comprehensive Directory
8-18-2022; was 8-17-2022; was 11-23-2021; was 8-4-2021
This Directory has The Peralta Stones Maps, Arizona webpages with URL Links
The Peralta Stones Maps Videos, Page 1 of 2
The Peralta Stones Maps Videos, Page 2 of 2
The Peralta Stones Maps Informative Website’s URL Links, Page 1 of 2
Peg Leg’s Lost Gold Mine, California webpages
Peg Leg’s Lost Gold Mine, California Videos, Informative Website’s & Forum’s Quick Access URL Links Directory
Quick Editor’s Comments are in the upper webpage’s text area
Peg Leg’s Lost Gold Mine, California Videos, Page 1 of 1
Peg Leg’s Lost Gold Mine, California Informative Website’s & Forum’s URL Links, Page 1 of 1
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- Roy Roush’s The Knights of the Golden Circle website
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Lost Dutchman Mine Maps
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Lost Dutchman Gold Mine Informative Website’s URL Links, Page 1 of 2
B1. Lost Dutchman Gold Mine Informative Website’s URL Links, Page 1 of 2
Greeting Treasure Hunters,
This is the B1. “Lost Dutchman Gold Mine” Informative Website’s URL Links, Page 1 of 2 webpage.
I have 15-Lost Dutchman Gold Mine Informative Website’s URL Links to an outside webpage in this website’s listings.
Change to a different if a browser if URL Link’s webpage cannot be seen on screen.
Clean your PC of internet browsing junk files if webpage cannot be seen on screen.
I tested 4-internet browsers, see list in revision notes below and only Mozilla Firefox opened all links easily.
There is an open full screen option in the video’s menu.
I give full credit to the publisher of the Informative Website’s URL Links by listing their URL address of their website.
David E Ros, Editor, Treasure Hunter and Webmaster Owner
Published on: May 29, 2013 at 03:25
Revised: 5-29-2013; 6-2-2013; 6-7-2013; 6-23-2013; 10-31-2013; 3-24-2014; 3-25-2014; 3-28-2014; 4-5-2014; 4-27-2014; 6-19-2021; 6-20-2021; 6-21-2021; 6-23-2021; 6-24-2021
6-20-2021; 6-21-2021; 6-23-2021 checked the spelling and revised the webpage’s text if required with the Microsoft Word program;
6-20-2021 checked, revised the HTML codes to comply to the latest W3Schools code layout standards;
6-20-2021; 6-21-2021; 6-23-2021 checked, ran HTML code Validator and HTML code image viewer of my HTML from: https://jsonformatter.org/html-validator. Results: passed, O.K.;
6-20-2021; 6-23-2021 manual check of HTML codes;
6-20-2021; 6-21-2021 reviewed the following browsers on this webpage’s URL links: Google Chrome would not open all links sometimes, crashed; Mozilla Firefox opened all the links; Microsoft Edge would slowly open all the links, crashed; Microsoft Internet Explorer 11.0 would slowly open all links, but needs to pause to clean PC of internet browsing junk files, crashed.
B1. Lost Dutchman Gold Mine Informative Website’s URL Links, Page 1 of 2
1. “Lost Dutchman’s Gold Mine” courtesy of: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lost_Dutchman%27s_Gold_Mine
Lost Dutchman’s Gold Mine webpage
2. “Superstition Mountains” courtesy of: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Superstition_Mountains
Superstition Mountains webpage
3. “Apache Junction, Arizona” courtesy of: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apache_Junction,_Arizona
Apache Junction, Arizona
4. “Lost Dutchman State Park, Arizona, Legend of the Lost Dutchman” courtesy of: https://azstateparks.com/lost-dutchman/explore/the-dutchman
Lost Dutchman State Park, Arizona, Legend of the Lost Dutchman
5. “Jacob Waltz “Lost Dutchman” Exhibit at Superstition Mountain Museum” courtesy of: https://superstitionmountainmuseum.org/exhibits/jacob-waltz-lost-dutchman-exhibit/
Jacob Waltz “Lost Dutchman” Exhibit at Superstition Mountain Museum
6. “The Lost Dutchman Jacob Waltz, also known as “The Lost Dutchman” courtesy of: https://superstitionmountainmuseum.org/about-smhs/the-lost-dutchman/
The Lost Dutchman Jacob Waltz, also known as “The Lost Dutchman
7. “Tale of the Lost Dutchman, Bibliography, Notes, Chronology” courtesy of: http://lost-dutchman.com/
Tale of the Lost Dutchman, Bibliography, Notes, Chronology
8. “Lost Dutchman’s Gold Mine, Finding The Mine, Part 1 of 2, By Mr X” courtesy of: https://www.desertusa.com/lost-dutchman/ld1.html
Lost Dutchman’s Gold Mine, Finding The Mine, Part 1 of 2, By Mr X
9. “Lost Dutchman’s Gold Mine, Finding The Mine, Part 2 of 2, By Mr X” courtesy of: https://www.desertusa.com/lost-dutchman/ld2.html
Lost Dutchman’s Gold Mine, Finding The Mine, Part 2 of 2, By Mr X
10. “Searching for the Truth, The Lost Dutchman – Peralta Stone Maps – Travis Tumlinson,
by Ryan Gordon” courtesy of: https://www.desertusa.com/treasure/search/search-for-truth.html
Searching for the Truth, The Lost Dutchman – Peralta Stone Maps – Travis Tumlinson, by Ryan Gordon
11. “Legend of the Lost Dutchman, Jacob Waltz” courtesy of: https://www.desertusa.com/thingstodo/rocks/du_ttd_lostdutch.html
Legend of the Lost Dutchman, Jacob Waltz
12. “Desert Gold, Pegleg Smith and Jacob Walt” courtesy of: https://www.desertusa.com/treasure/lost/gold-lost-base-old.html
Desert Gold, Pegleg Smith and Jacob Walt
13. “There May Be a Long-Lost Gold Mine in the Arizona Mountains, By: Mae Rice” courtesy of: https://www.discovery.com/exploration/gold-mine-Arizona-Mountains
There May Be a Long-Lost Gold Mine in the Arizona Mountains, By: Mae Rice
14. “Barry Storm -Author Legend of the Lost Dutchman” courtesy of: https://www.desertusa.com/desert-prospecting/barry-storm.html
Barry Storm -Author Legend of the Lost Dutchman
15. “Superstition Mountain Museum” courtesy of: https://superstitionmountainmuseum.org/
Superstition Mountain Museum
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Pretty Cats!
Информационный каталог. Москва — сердце России, и этим всё сказано! В Москве нет недостатка в достопримечательностях — здесь каждая улица, каждый дом имеет богатую историю.В Москве нет ничего второстепенного, здесь все главное, ведь оно находится в самом центре самого лучшего государства в мире.В нашем информационном каталоге все Самое интересное о городе-Герое Москва!!!
The most interesting thing about Moscow. Moscow is the heart of Russia, and that says it all! There is no shortage of sights in Moscow — here every street, every house has a rich history.There is nothing secondary in Moscow, everything is important here, because it is located in the very center of the best state in the world.Our information catalog contains all the most interesting things about the Hero city of Moscow!!!
Проект был разработан специально для вашей бесконечной радости, создания теплоты и уюта в доме, ведь теперь у вас поселится маленькое, пушистое чудо, которое с трепетом относится к каждому члену семьи. Оно нуждается в вашей заботе, ласке и нежности. Совсем еще кроха, котик будет учиться познавать мир с вашей помощью. Проект создан Кристиной Богинич, которая сама занимается разведением породистых кошек и реализует их в разные города не только России, но мира. Поэтому где бы вы ни находились, вы всегда сможете зайти на этот сайт https://www.kurbobrembo.ru/ (кошка породы бобтейл курильский купить в спб ) и выбрать понравившегося котенка, который станет вашим членом семьи, а, может и центром вселенной. На сайте вы сможете знакомиться с фотографиями с выставок, а также изучить то, в какие семьи попали пушистые комочки. Кроме того, есть возможность зарезервировать понравившееся животное и получить его к назначенному времени. К важным преимуществам резервирования кота на сайте относят:
– большой выбор кошек различного окраса;
– животные находятся в небольшом возрасте, а потому быстрее привыкнут к новым условиям и хозяину;
– доступные цены;
– доставка по всему миру.
Если и вы желаете приобрести домашнее животное, которое будет всем сердцем вас любить и трепетно относиться, то скорей заходите на этот сайт, где вы сможете не только выбрать питомца, но и получить ценную информацию. Важным моментом является то, что заводчик тщательно ухаживает за кошками, дает только корм премиального уровня и вовремя делает прививки. Именно поэтому котята здоровенькие, жизнерадостные и веселые. Перед тем, как сделать приобретение, необходимо учесть особенности характера всех членов семьи и кошки. Важно обеспечить комфорт в доме. Не упустите возможности завести кошку, которая поможет побороть депрессию, улучшить настроение и даже избавиться от некоторых болезней.
Editor’s transalation of Russian into English using Google Translator:
The project was developed specifically for your endless joy, creating warmth and comfort in the house, because now you will have a small, fluffy miracle that treats every member of the family with trepidation. It needs your care, affection and tenderness. Quite a baby, the cat will learn to explore the world with your help. The project was created by Kristina Boginich, who herself breeds purebred cats and sells them to different cities not only in Russia, but in the world. Therefore, wherever you are, you can always go to this site https://www.kurbobrembo.ru/ (buy a Kuril bobtail cat in St. Petersburg) and choose the kitten you like, which will become your family member, and maybe the center of the universe . On the site you can get acquainted with photographs from exhibitions, as well as study into which families the fluffy lumps ended up. In addition, it is possible to reserve the animal you like and receive it at the appointed time. Important advantages of booking a cat on the site include:
– a large selection of cats of various colors;
– the animals are at a young age, and therefore they will quickly get used to new conditions and the owner;
– affordable prices;
– delivery worldwide.
If you also want to buy a pet that will love you with all your heart and treat you with all your heart, then go to this site, where you can not only choose a pet, but also get valuable information. The important point is that the breeder carefully cares for the cats, gives only premium food and vaccinates on time. That is why the kittens are healthy, cheerful and cheerful. Before making a purchase, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of the character of all family members and cats. It is important to ensure comfort in the house. Do not miss the opportunity to get a cat that will help you overcome depression, improve your mood and even get rid of some diseases.
I use Google Chrome and Firfox browsers without problems.
IE may too old and I hear it was replaced by MS Edge except many programs require IE.
List of best teams would incomplete without Red Devils. This team has considered the most famous in the world. Fanbase can be found in many regions:Currently fame came early 2010s. Squad demonstrated excellent football. Bayern stayed in the leading positions in the national championship. Players were able to achieve great results at European champions. bets10 kuponlar Annual income decent. Club earns on selection, advertising contracts, sponsors. Impressive income became selling tickets for matches.”Galactikos” originated in beginning of the last century. Through 18 years of existence composition gave title royal.
I read that Post and got it fine and informative.
Great writings here are always and I really I like everything here.
I this like as well:
Великим ясновидящим написан содержание секретного давнего пророчества которое относится РФ. В этих письменах говорится что Россию ждет три небольших войны, войны будут ощутимые для народа и правителей. В двух из трех войнах Русь достигнет победы. Русское государство одержит истинное величие, но через полвека после великой победы Российское государство разделится на более чем 10 частей. Предводитель самой большой части не примет это и после двадцати лет сидя у власти, будет вынашивать идеи о воссоединении государств. Эта мысль станет крахом для большой страны. В самом начале он захватит море и отметит это победой, через 10 лет он пожелает захватить сушу. Это решение принесет к ним только много смертей, солдаты большого государства будут гибнуть в другом государстве, а для других стран государство Россия будет болезнью которую нужно выжечь. Только гибель кня зя спасти народ. Что выберет народ?
Editor’s Translation from the Russian language into the English language courtesy of Google Translator:
“The great clairvoyant wrote the contents of a secret long-standing prophecy that relates to the Russian Federation. These letters say that Russia is waiting for three small wars, wars will be tangible for the people and rulers. In two out of three wars, Russia will achieve victory. The Russian state will gain true greatness, but half a century after the great victory, the Russian state will be divided into more than 10 parts. The leader of the largest part will not accept this, and after twenty years in power, he will hatch ideas about the reunification of states. This thought will be the collapse of a large country. At the very beginning, he will capture the sea and mark it with victory, after 10 years he will wish to capture the land. This decision will only bring them many deaths, the soldiers of a large state will die in another state, and for other countries the state of Russia will be a disease that needs to be burned out. Only the death of the prince save the people. What will the people choose?”
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Таким образом спонсируя данные организации в России, Великобритания пробовала распространять воздействие свое на экономику нашей страны.
Организации, общепризнанные в Нашей стране зарубежными представителями, называются те, что рождают существенные распри в ценности нашей стране, такие как:
За экономическими “целями”, Великобритания попыталась привести в исполнение и политические, к примеру:
Иноагенты функционировали так же в направление раскрутки геополитики в интересах ЕС, НАТО, Туманный альбион, на большей территории России.
Editor’s Translation from Russian into the English language with Google Translate webpage:
Group “Agora”
Thus, by sponsoring these organizations in Russia, Great Britain tried to spread its influence on the economy of our country.
Organizations generally recognized in our country by foreign representatives are called those that give rise to significant strife in the values of our country, such as:
For economic “goals”, Great Britain tried to enforce political goals, for example:
Foreign agents also functioned in the direction of promoting geopolitics in the interests of the EU, NATO, Foggy Albion, over the greater territory of Russia.
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Editor’s translation using Google Translate online translator.
Translated from Russian to English:
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