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Website Software I Presently Use

Website Software I Presently Use

Greetings Adventurers into Website Software,

I’ve had many questions about the website software that use on my websites from inquisitive visitors to my websites, so below is my response.

I do not want to spend all my time writing computer code for my websites, etc., so I use already developed software. The only working and authorized software are Lord, the owner designed and developed software.

Currently, I’m using mostly freely distributed “free” to download, install, change and use website software. I’m very pleased with the WordPress software.

I start and update with the latest edition of WordPress software that is available.
For my use and purposes at this time, WordPress is easy for me to use and change with many professional features including the permitting the adding/installing of more professional features with many freely distributed “free” plug-ins.

1. I use a “free” version of Theme Hunk Top Store WordPress theme since 1-14-2021.

I had used a paid version of ThemeVision Agama Pro WordPress theme with Vision Core plugin on: previously

2. I also use the latest version of the freely distributed “free” Atahualpa website theme with the WordPress software. I’m very pleased with the Atahualpa WordPress theme software, however the Atahualpa WordPress theme is not currently updated enough. Presently I only used the Atahualpa WordPress theme on:

3. I have found the following latest edition WordPress plugins which are very useful:

“Akismet” from WordPress Jetpack;
Note: Check the Akismet “Spam” folder prior to deleting spam comments. Some interesting comments are sometimes placed in Akismet spam folder by the Akismet software.
I recommend turning off the WordPress Comments features because of too much spam to review; to delete and because of potentially dangerous comments being submitted.

“wpForo” forum plugin with paid “wpForo Embeds” plugin;
Presently, the “wpForo” forum plugin is only used on:

“bbPress” forum plugin;
Presently the “bbPress” forum plugin is only used on:

“Classic Editor” plugin;

“Classic Widgets” plugin;

“Contact Form” from WordPress Jetpack;

“Date and Time Widget” plugin;

“Head, Footer and Post Injections” plugin;

“Jetpack” by; (JetPack may need to be deactivated when installing plugins)
On 12-5-20021, because I have to deactivate Jetpack due to conflicts.

“Jetpack Boost” plugin;
On 12-5-20021, deactivated because requites Jetpack for functioning.

“XT Visitor Counter” plugin;

“Page Visit Counter”;
Used with:
Presently only used on:; and on; and on: because not available.

“Page Links To” plugin;

“Page-list” plugin;
Very useful for website maps and for website indexes.

“WP Import Export Lite” plugin;

“Wp Maximum Upload File Size” plugin;

“WP-Ban” plugin;

“User Registration” plugin; (Sometimes, when compactable with WordPress JetPack and/or Jetpack is deactivated)

“WordPress Importer”; (Sometimes, when compactable with WordPress JetPack and/or Jetpack is deactivated)

“Live Clock Date”; (Sometimes, when compactable with WordPress JetPack and/or Jetpack is deactivated)

“All-in-One WP Migration plugin”

“All-in-One WP Migration Unlimited Extension”; a purchased Plugin, (JetPack, Akismet and paid Plugins, Themes may need to deactivated when exporting, importing, backups)

Paid “Jetpack Backup” from WordPress are for daily website backups.
Presently only used on:; and on

Paid “VaultPress” now with “Jetpack Backup” from WordPress for daily website backups.
Presently only used on:

Hosting Providers supply daily website backups, which I use with all my WordPress software websites.

Avoid the WordPress plugin called “BackWPup” because the “BackWPup” plugin may cause not desired Bandwidth usage issues.

I have an understanding of the “HTML” programming language used with WordPress software which is very helpful in developing this website. Do not be afraid of “HTML” programming, just check the internet for instructions on color codes such HTML color code charts, HTML text commands, etc.
CSS programming is also permitted with the WordPress software.

I should state that the Universes’ owner, the Lord designs, develops every authorized website. Yet there is some adulterating of websites seen in the Lord’s massive convict containment facilities where the planet Earth is located.

I do manual and automatic WordPress website backups after changes to my websites.
This website is automatically scanned for virus infections each day and night.

Best regards,
David E Ros, Editor, Computer User and Webmaster Owner

Published on: May 19, 2011 @ 14:19
Revised: 6-1-2011; 6-10-2011; 7-21-2011; 8-17-2011; 11-8-2011; 11-16-2011; 4-8-2012; 6-14-2012; 6-15-2012; 7-29-2012; 6-16-2013; 1-23-2015; 4-23-2015; 7-10-2018; 7-11-2018; 8-5-2020; 8-6-2020; 12-5-2021

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2. “Website Software I Presently Use” webpage is this page


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