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Meteorite Hunting, Collecting Videos, Page 2 of 2

Meteorite Hunting, Collecting Videos, Page 2 of 2


Greetings Treasure Hunters, Meteorite Collectors, etc.,


This webpage is the “Meteorite Hunting, Collecting Videos, Page 2 of 2” webpage full of interesting valued “finds” by professionals, hobbyists, etc.

I have 10-Hunting for Meteorite Hunting, Collecting Videos, Page 2 of 2 published on on this webpage for your viewing pleasure.
There is an open full screen option in the video’s menu.
I give full credit to the publisher of the videos by listing their nickname.


Happy adventures,


David E Ros, Editor, Treasure Hunter and Webmaster

Published on: Jan 1, 2022 at 13:42
Revised: 1-2-2022; 1-3-2022; 1-5-2022; 7-13-2023; 7-19-2023
1-2-2022 installed new video embed codes that are the latest quality version;
1-2-2022 set the videos to: width=”100%” height=”660″;
1-1-2022; 1-2-2021; 1-5-2022; 7-19-2023 checked the spelling and revised the webpage’s text if required with the Microsoft Word program;
1-1-2022; 7-19-2023 checked, revised the HTML codes to comply to the latest W3Schools code layout standards;
1-1-2022; 1-2-2021; 7-19-2023 ran HTML code Validator and HTML code image viewer of my HTML from: Results: passed, O.K.;
1-1-2022; 1-2-2021; 7-19-2023 manual check of HTML codes;
1-5-2022 misc. changes;
7-13-2023; changed URL webpage address
7-18-2023; changed webpage’s title to: Meteorite Hunting, Collecting Videos, P. 1 of 2

1. “Hunting For Large Meteorites In Brenham, Kansas | Meteorite Men | Spark” published on with “Spark”


My personal experience(s) with many dry lake beds are “Dry Lake Beds” are often large not vegetated and flat surface area that winds can travel very fast. Dry lake beds that are very windy and potentially dangerous enough to require strapping yourself securely with harness and long straps that permit walking a distance to avoid being “blown” into the air. Other times you may luck out having good weather during your visit.


2. “Meteorite Men | Brenham, Kansas | Full HD Episodes” published on with “Meteorite Men”


3. “Hunting for Meteorites in Northern Nevada Part 1” published on with “jason utas”


4. “METEORITE HUNTING Nevada Dry Lake Beds” published on with “Metal Detecting Out West”


5. “LARGE Meteorite Find Gold Butte, Nevada” published on with “Metal Detecting Out West”


6. “Mystery Of The Ring Meteor In Tucson, Arizona | Meteorite Men | Spark” published on with “Spark”


7. “Meteorite Men | S01 E05 | The Dry Lake Bad” published on with “Geoff Notkin”


8. “Hunting Meteorites in Gold Basin Arizona” published on with “Hunting everything With Mike Morgan”


9. “Meteorites Found in AZ Desert” published on with “Hunting everything With Mike Morgan”


10. “Franconia Arizona Meteorite Hunting, Railroad Cops Showed Up” published on with “NUGGET SHOOTER JOURNALS”


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